Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Prayer request

Fellow friends and fighters, this post is not about me. I received a call yesterday about a good friend and ex-coworker of mine. He had a stroke on January 19th while skiing.

If you could, please add Jake Baldwin to your prayer list. If you have time drop by his blog started by his family, let them know the Power of Prayer works.




Thursday, January 24, 2008

Attack Life!

1st let me explain the last post. Me and a good friend, Kevin also know as KWcomp, were talking on a message board yesterday. He was ribbing me in a good natured way about my long posts. Being the comedian that I am, I just had to have a bit-o-fun. Well my bro, the last one was just for you, you are a VERY special friend and I cherish it greatly. Now strap yourself in.....this one may take awhile.


What does it mean?

To some it may mean just living day to day. Taking no thought to day to day activities, duties, jobs, time spent with friends or a spouse, etc.

Being an athlete, I have followed powerful sports figures. Adversary can come from many things, opponents on the field, personal problems, weather, lots of things. Most people that are exposed to cancer in any way have at least heard of Lance Armstrong. Not really being a cyclist fan, Lance I knew about, but I really payed attention after I heard of his bout with cancer. Keep in mind this was many years before my DX.......

Most folks already know where I am headed. Lance fought and won a battle that many are fighting right now, at this very moment. Battling almost odds that would make even the loosest bookie think twice. In 1997, the Lance Armstrong Foundation was founded to help patients, caregivers and anyone else affected by cancer.

Back a month or so ago, I ordered a LiveSTRONG Suvivorship notebook. Free from the LAF just for asking. The 1st page is a letter written by Lance.

"If there is one thing cancer has taught me, it's that we are stronger than we think. When times get tough, we find a way through. When we think we've had all we can take, we find the will to go on. When you believe in your strength and know how to tap into it, you LiveSTRONG. It's about trusting your strength will be there for you to fight cancer, to race, to love, to take risks, to dream.

If you are a cancer survivor, you know what I am talking about. Every day, you have a choice to LiveSTRONG. Every day, you decide how to spend your time and energy-who you will be with, what you will do, and what you need to feel good about yourself. Living strong means being true to yourself. Living strong is whatever you want it to be; it is personal. It may change day to day."

Lance goes on to say,

"We hope that through information and knowledge we can help people not only survive, but thrive. It is one thing to live, but another to live strong, to attack the day and attack your life with a whole new attitude. Before cancer I just lived, now I LiveSTRONG."

Now comes my challenge.....

Do you have to have cancer to LiveSTRONG?


Attack you life everyday with a whole new attitude. Make your dreams a reality. Live your life to the fullest now. That is the choice Brenda and I have made. Will you make it today?

God still continues to bless us both. The wound in my abdomen is maybe 1cm now, so tiny that the stuff we have to put in there doesn't wanna stay. Hopefully in a few weeks, it will heal totally. My energy and strength are growing better each day.

As soon as this heals, I hope to resume playing softball with Crossfire Ministries. God has blessed this overweight, ex-football player with a little athletic ability and I will continue to use that for His glory. I am planning on playing a few games in a lower division...dont know if I am ready for 120mph softballs being hit at my head, lol.

Please continue to remember all my friends I have made that are fighting this terrible disease, Michele, Bradyr, Susie and many more. You all and never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers.

Keep fighting.



Just for KWComp

I am doing well.



Saturday, January 19, 2008

Round 2 or would it be 4?

Yesterday was round 2 since I resumed treatment, it total it would be my fourth. Round 3 really wiped me out and my prayer for this one was a better and easier one.

Today I am so thankful that God has answered that prayer. I was actually in good spirits last night and ate very well. Today I am alert and active with very little fatigue. Thank you Jesus for helping me get this one behind me.

I did speak with my Onc yesterday about the rally I had planned to attend in April. His response was promising, he told me to plan on being there. I will be far enough in the treatment plan to miss a week. But, if he says it is in my best interest to not skip, then I will still choose chemo. So now it is a 50-50 chance I will be there to see all my hooligan friends.

To all that drop by, thanks for taking time out to read my posts. Thanks for the prayers, comments and emails.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Really had a great week

So far this week, everything has been going well. It did take a few extra days to get over the last chemo treatment, it really kicked my butt.

I have been able to work full days both Monday and today. Thanks so much for the prayers, I know that is what has allowed me to do that, I cannot do this on my own.

I was putting my chemo schedule on the calender last week and I got severely depressed. I am down for a treatment the weekend of a large motorcycle rally I help organize every year. The Spring Busa Bash started as a small group of hooligans coming together to ride some of the greatest roads on the East Coast. It has grown to over 70 last Spring and this year should be the biggest yet...and I may not be there. Bummed I am.

My health is the most important thing to Brenda and I. We both know there are things we did in the past that now we just might miss out on. I still CHOOSE to keep my head helt high and continue to fight.

I have always asked for God to us my DX as a way to help others and He is continuing to open doors every time I turn around. Last week, I had no idea where I was going to eat and God led me to Huddle House. I even felt the urge to sit at a booth behind two women.

As I was reading my paper, I could not help but overhear, one was just DX'ed with a form of inoperable cancer. It had spread through her chest, neck and brain. Her only form of treatment is 7 chemo session and that is all. I was able to share my Faith with her that God has given me. As I continued to talk, her eyes continued to get brighter and I saw what I have seen in a few cancer survivors...... I really cannot explain it, to me it is a mix of Hope, Fight, and the Belief that they are going to beat this disease.

As we were talking, I ever asked if she had ever accept Jesus as her personal Savior and her answer was yes. She was so thankful that I stepped out of my little box to reach out to someone that just received such devastating news. We ended our talk with a long hug and a few tears. I even gave her my LIVE[b]STRONG[/b] bracelet to wear as she begins her treatment.

I believe this meeting was not by chance, it was arranged by that still small voice. If you are saved, take time and listen. What is God saying to you?

This meeting blessed me more that I could have ever imagined. I was on cloud 9 all of last week. That you God for allowing me to be your willing vessel.

This week, there are many prayer requests. Remember Michele she had a rough chemo yesterday(I can relate!), the end of chemo road is near for you my friend. Keep your head up...

Bradyr had a tumor in his brain and is scheduled for surgery soon. He is an inspiration to alot of folks over at The Colon Club, me included.

I am sure there are more that are fighting this disease, be it Survivor, caregiver or relative. Keep fighting and BELIEVE!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Back on the CHEMO train!

Yep I was finally cleared to resume treatment on Friday and there was even room to get me in at 11:30am. I could start back with FOLFOX but no Avastin until 6 weeks after my belly wound has healed.

So this weekend I spent in the recliner, it seemed to be more draining, energy wise than the 1st two treatments. Anyhoo, I am awake, alert, and most importantly ALIVE! I thank God for giving me another day.

I have posted over at the Colon Club about a CT I had done last Wednesday. I have been having some lower abdominal pain, about where your leg meets your hips, maybe groin area on the left side. I was terrified of another tumor there. I went in for the test and noting was seen there...the good news. The bad...I now have mets in my lungs and the mets in my liver have grown and multiplier. With no chemo since October, some growth was expected.

This really lit a fire with my wound therapy and my onc teams. They put their heads together and agreed chemo...NOW!!!! I am thankful for the pain sending my to the Doc, without, I would still be off chemo.

Now comes Vman's words of wisdom for the first blog entry in 2008.

Choice- think about that word for a few minutes. Every day we are all faced with choices. Be it where we are going to eat, what movie we are going to see or how we are going to handle an important life decision.

Some choices are easy and some...well difficult to say the least. Today I choose to live my life to the fullest. Yes I know what I carry in my body is serious. I choose to continue this battle for my life and NEVER give up. And today I choose, "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord".

Brenda and I still ask for your prayers, I have been knocked around a bit last week. I am back on my feet, still in the ring, and still FIGHTING!!!

For the rest of you out there fighting a battle, be it cancer or something else- Choose today to win that fight. We pray for each of you every day.

