Since my DX in August, I have always wanted to use what has happen to Brenda and I for the glory of God. I have talked to many folks both in person and over the net about what God has blessed us with over the years.
This week, I met with the Oncologist to see about resuming my chemo treatments. Since I am still open, down to 3cm long, 2.5co wide and I did not get the depth measurment today but improvong everyday, chemo has been pushed back into January. I may be allowed to start an oral pill but no Avastin till maybe February.
At the Onc's office I met a lady in her mid 40's who has Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. We began a conversation on our stories of the last few months. I was telling her how good God had been to Brenda and I. We talked about me playing softball and ministering with Crossfire for the last 6 years or so, motorcycle riding and all aspects of life in general.
And then the door was opened...she asked me why do I think I have cancer....... Just what I needed to hear. As I talked about the Faith provided by my Savior, I watched as she listned intently. Just as I was about to ask her if she had ever asked Jesus into her heart....she was called to her room.
I should have been bolder and asked the nurse for a few more minutes. Lord, I ask and pray you have put a task in front of me, I did not complete the task. I pray that you will water the seed you allowed me to plant. Lord, if you see fit to allow our paths to cross again, please give me the words I need to say.....
And Tuesday, a good friend of mine called and asked me give my testimony at their church the Sunday before New Years Day. I have prayed for doors to open and God is answering those prayers. I covet your help in praying for this lady I met at the Onc's office and for my speaking at a new church in a few weeks.
For those that have know and heard me witness on the ball field, you guys know I am more comfy in a dirty ball uniform infront of 30+ softball players. This will be a new experience for me and I pray for God's strength and the right words to say.
I am not embarresed to say......I am a CHRISTIAN. I am so thankful to this day for what God has allowed me to do and most importantly, what He is going to allow me to do in the coming years.
On the answered prayer front.........
When we met the Doc on Monday, my last CT scan when my infection was found was compared to my scan from several months back. Being off chemo for over 2 months, I was worried about the lesions getting larger or spreading in my liver. Doc said there was no groth and the same amount of spots.....Glory be to God!
Anudder answered prayer....
Jessica, a friend from church, mid 20's DX with Non Hodgkins in February 2007, recieved a clear PET scan. All evidence of a large mass in her chest...GONE!!!!!!
To my friends and fighters, prayers from our house to yours!