I hope you all are doing well and thanks for dropping by and leaving comments. Still nothing much new on the healing front. I am still on the wound vac and my incision site is down to 4cm long, 3cm wide and 2cm deep. I have developed a hernia in the wound, a mild one with NO pain. I did check with my surgeon and he said nothing needs to be done at this time, thank you Jesus.
I am still feeling efects from chemo, I think. Even though it has beed almost 2 months since my 2nd treatment, I am experiencing extreme fatigue with no warning. I have had some trouble sleeping, but I am about to get back to normal. I am still felling "chemo brain"....for those that know, you understand, lol. I am so ready to continue my treatments.....
Last night, Brenda and I ventured out to Greenville, Sc to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. As usual the show was outstanding and Brenda said her ears were ringing most of the day.....it wasnt that loud, lol. we did have front row seats and it was great seeing some great guitar work with some awsome singing. I did catch a drum stick and a guitar pick...

I hope my friend you are ready for Christmas. We have put up our tree, and wrapped gifts galore. The biggest gift? Jesus dying for our sins. Do you know him? Have you asked him into your heart? I hope and pray so.

I hope my fellow fighters that your treatments are going well. Keep the faith and I pray for you all each and every day!
Glad you were able to get out and see the show. I missed it when it came here. Heard it's awesome.
I hear you on the fatigue...can't even be described.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Keep in touch.
Bless your heart, Kevin. I keep in touch with you thru your blogs and your mom, Louise. Your Florida long lost relatives love you and pray for you. Hope you have a very, merry christmas and we pray for your healing.
Your cousin, Pat
Merry Christmas guys........
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