Friday, November 16, 2007

The road to chemo.....Again...

I am on the road to recovery so I can start chemo again. The wound in my abdomen started over 10cm deep....after todays visit, down to 5cm deep. It is amazing watching new skin develop. It is about 7cm long and 5cm wide...thank you Jesus for helping me to heal.

I was scheduled to originally have my 4th chemo treatment today. I stopped by the cancer center today to visit a couple of friends I have met. Toby was there with his wife Susie, she is on her next to last chemo treatment. She is an inspiration to me, staying strong throughout her treatment. Please say a prayer for her, Toby her husband will be having a quad bypass next Friday.

As we approach Thanksgiving, take a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for..... Me you ask? I am thankful most of all for Jesus saving my soul, right behind that my health. Again I said HEALTH. God still has a master plan for me and I am excited about what he has in store for me. I am thankful for my best friend, my confidant, my wife that I love dearly. There are SO many things God has done for us.....

This week has been better for me. I still have my days, but they are getting fewer and far between. I am just ready to get back on my treatment paln and put this phase in my behind me and my wife.

Thanks for stopping by!



Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Would you look at the size of the hole in my abdomen?

Yes it is official, my alter ego is a kangaroo. I have a "pouch" in my abdomen. No really I do. My surgery last week found a deep infection right on top of my stomach. I was opened back up the entire length of the original incision. Back to square one so to speak.

At the wound center last Thursday, my wound vac was ordered. After many phone calls to my insurance carrier, they have finally agreed to cover the vac but at the out of network rate. Gotta love them, lol. I orginally thought that the vac was at the wound center, wrong, it was shipped to me and arrived yesterday. I go today to have my next attachment installed that I get to carry around for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

I do not go back to Cancer care until December 17th for a review of the healing and hopefully the return to my treatment. Actually, last Friday, I missed going to chemo. Brenda and I have made some friends that we laugh, cut up and even cry with. They share the same battle for their lives as we do.

This week has been really tough for me on an emotional level. Lots of thoughts enter my mind that havent been there at all since this ordeal has started. Dont get me wrong, I still BELIEVE with all my heart that I am going to beat this disease, sometimes the human side focuses on the negative and "what ifs". I try my best to stay positive all the time.

I know God is real and still has a master plan for this trial. I have no idea why I am having to basicially start over in my treatment plan. But I know the one that does know. I hope and pray every day for my friends and fighters that are battling this disease, Susie, Michele, Diane, Rob and many others. No matter what the odds are, NEVER, EVER give up the fight!

