Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am such a slacker.....

March 18th....wow, I need to post more. In Casa de Vman things are going as planned. I had round 9 of my chemo cocktail last Friday. The good news, my abdomen is healed and my Onc added Avastin back to the mix. It makes for a long treatment, 5 hours, but I know it is what is gonna make me better.

I am cleared to start playing softball again and I hope to get some batting practice in soon, I am only 3 months behind, lol. There are a few of us that start hitting in January. I dont know how my reflexes will be so I am going to start the season off a few levels below what I normally play.

It seems that everyday I am so thankful for being ALIVE. Cancer may still be in my body but the drugs are working. All the experiences over the last few months have made me a better person. I know that is hard for some to fathom. But believe me when I say.....do not take your life for granted.

Thanks for all the prayers, emails, calls......they mean so much to both of us. We both still have out days that register high on the tear scale(borrowed from Michele and used WITHOUT premission, lol).

I know some are asking for vacation pics....as soon as I can get some time to resize them I will post them up.

Keep in touch.




Anonymous said...

You are not a slacker ;) You have every right. Not everyone could go through what your dealing with. I'm glad to hear that your abdomen is healed. You will probably feel great playing a little ball. Good luck to you in the future. Keep your chin up and held high.
Remember God heals!

Kelly Baldwin

Michele said...

Playing softball, that's great! That is a sure sign of improvement. As for the tear scale, have at it. I feel better when I can attach a # to it, then I can compare how miserable I am...lol.